Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Busy Times

I'm sorry to those of you who have been reading my blog(s) that it took awhile for me to finish up the television viewing part 2 post. School has started back up and things have been hectic around here!

Just a quick list on my non-school related books that I'm reading right now:

Mad World: Epidemic by Samaire Provost is simply put about a zombie outbreak caused by the reintroduction of the plague. This is what I'm currently reading, I found it when I was invited to a book group on facebook.

Next I'll be reading The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton, which is about a young Wiccan woman who finds herself connected to several murders and must find a way to uncover the truth about her ancestor's demise. It sounds super interesting. I found this one when the author, Rebecca Hamilton, added me on Twitter. I love meeting new authors.

After that I'll read The Gospel of the Phoenix by Stifyn Emyrs, this is about the life of Jesus of Nazareth, to most known simply as Jesus Christ. It is a retelling of his life and his life's work through a new lens, a new perspective. I am intrigued by this authors notions and I cannot wait to read the book. Again, this book came to me by way of facebook.

Finally, I have three books lined up by another new author I've met in writer's group on facebook. These books are called The Will's Downfall Saga (books Will's Downfall Book One: Is it All in Your Head? & Will's Downfall Book Two: Why Did They Have to Ruin a Perfectly Good Day?) by Eric May, and The Tribulation of Marcuse (And Several Other Tales of Utter Drivel) also by Erick May. It appears the Will's Downfall Saga is about a teenage boy named William Barker and his twisted, secret society, crazy cult, mutant infested way through his final year of high school and then into his adulthood in the second book with marital trouble and alien invasions. They sound quite interesting, indeed. The third book (not of the same series), is described on with one simple statement, "Abandon all hope, all ye who open this tome..."

So, they all sound like interesting books and I will be sure to write a review for each of them here after I have finished with each book respectively. To help the authors out, I'll also post the reviews on

Happy Reading!


  1. Hmmm... Mad World: Epidemic by Samaire Provost Sounds very interesting I must say. I must get a copy if possible!!!

  2. I've included a link to the book, which is available in paperback and Kindle versions on I'll be posting a more thorough review soon. I've finished the book and am working on it now!
